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Alchemy Palette

The different activities that I have explored during my career, the varied training that I have followed and my personal research have enabled me to develop services that I wish to adapt to your needs. Depending on your expectations and your needs, a range of services will be made available to you in order to create your tailor-made offer.

Home therapy is a journey on which I propose to accompany you.

Like all paths, the duration of this one depends on each person, on each stride and on the pace you adopt.

You remain at the heart of the process, it adapts to you.



Composed of an ancestral side taking into account natural phenomena and a more contemporary side with the study of artificial pollution that can generate disturbances on living organisms  , geobiology is the empirical study of your environment in order to determine the places to avoid as well as the adaptations to make in relation to your place of life in order to preserve your health and your vitality. 

The ancients built neither dwellings nor sacred places at random and this connection to the living and the environment fell into disuse as purely technical and technological human knowledge evolved._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_

It is time again to reintegrate these practices with modern skills in order to benefit from the alliance of naturalness and innovation.

Podium courbé géométrique
Lumière et ombre


Feng Shui aims to establish a harmonious flow in an environment.

All places can benefit from this reading of space:  résidence, company, garden, school, restaurant, office, shops, meeting rooms, communities, public reception area... The playing field is vast and every situation can benefit from it.

Whether your installation is recent, old or in project, during a change of life, course or when the need to initiate a movement is felt, Feng Shui by the harmonization of vital energy makes it possible to evolve both personal and professional situations.


Your place like your body sometimes needs special care in order to get rid of what clutters it. 

Emptiness is the condition of the fullness to come. 

A session of harmonization of the places aims to invite the good energies to invest your place.

A rite of passage between old and new calls upon the elements to nourish your space.

This practice, sometimes called space clearing, is recommended during installation, after work, on the arrival of a new occupant, before leaving, a particular moment in your life...

Savons Sels et bougies
Les arbres forestiers


In our consumer societies, we are constantly invited to surround ourselves with objects as a solution to all our problems. 

Refocusing on oneself, one's desires, one's way of life, one's availability allows us to put our real needs back at the center and offer us the possibility of getting rid of what encumbers us.

Owning things includes spending time caring for them, whether to store them, use them, maintain them, etc. Many methods. allow us to find our way of storing, optimizing, organizing our spaces, I propose to help you find yours, adapted to your needs and your desires.

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